Comments : Last chance

  • 17 years ago

    by h O l L y

    Believe it or not, your poem brought a tear to my eyes.. im not going to tell you i know what you're going through, because i dont. but i just wanted you to know that your poem is very touching. and if you ever need someone to talk to, even though we dont know eachother. i just want you to know, ill listen.

    and yes. that poem is true. and it is about a guy. he is still a secret to my friends and family. but hopefully he wont be much longer. and thanks for your comment.

  • 17 years ago

    by Evelyn

    Chelsi thanks for commenting my poem you're a player. If it's about your dad i know what you are going through. I haven't seen my dad in maybe months or Two years. Well if you need a friend my heart is here for you. Oh I added you to my faves. K alright much love.xoxoxox