Comments : Forever

  • 17 years ago

    by eternalxxpromise

    First of all congrats! it's a really good poem.
    like, not to offend all those people out there that are "experts" or whatever u call them on poem writing, it doesnt really matter on how good the poem is or what style or format your writing.
    poems are written to express feeling, emotions and etc.
    in my opinion, you should'nt really care about what other people think about your poems.
    your poems are for you. and only you because as the writer of the poem, these are your emotions and feelings that u just can't say, or they've been bottled up in your mind for too long.
    but anyways, that's only my opinion.
    I think it's a really good poem and its sweet too :]
    keep up the good work up in the future, and i wish you luck.

  • 17 years ago

    by chinoslady

    I think this is a good poem