Comments : Lessons Of The Heart

  • 20 years ago

    by craig

    Wow, way to go michelle (M.E), in the time it took me to make a cuppa tea, you produced yet another accomplished poem. And you were half asleep at the time! Yet again yr strength of clearly expressing a theme, this time aspects and lessons of love, fills me with pride that someone as wonderful, careing, talented and extreemly beddable! as you feels love for someone like me.
    You start of with paternal love, unconditional as you rightly say, an instinctive bond that all mothers have between themselves and their offspring. How love has guided you through lifes decisions when you have reached points in yr life where choices had to had to be made.
    I totaly agree with `whether caring may bring sad or joyful tears`, and to me that shows you have the courage of your convictions, you dont just make choices that were the easiest at the time. you had learnt yr lessons of the heart well and acted upon them. you have personal values that you stick to whether they bring heartche or happiness. That one line indicates a depth of character inside you. So easy for us all to do whats easiest, most conveniant at the time only in the long run to hit a brick wall. makes me love you even more babe, and i didnt think that was possible. carry on like this and im going to need two hearts!
    I know you have had yr fair share of grief and heartache in yr young life and im impressed with yr philosophy as one door closes another opens. So true. Every end is a new begining as the saying goes. `my heart has been rained on` you already know i love that line, so poetical. the hard driving rain that falls on us all at times in our lives, and im so pleased yr heart has weathered yr personel storms and made you a stronger person. learning to be lead with yr head and not with yr heart. rational thinking over knee-jerk reactions. Foresight, thinking things through as opposed to following every whim that emotions tease us with.
    `...step out on the ledge and take a chance` again following yr instincts, taking a gamble when you want something bad enough. not being afraid or distracted by whispering negativity and making a bold stand for what you believe in.
    Totaly agree with the `...heart told me to remember God` you felt yr human nature the most when turning away from the lord, going yr own way only to realise that without faith we are nothing more than souless animals. if there is no God then there is no right or wrong. whos to say what we should or shouldnt do. how could civilisation have been built without his moral framework holding everyone in place. anarchy would have destroyed everything. know thats not yr point here but that one line, coupled with yr `felt human nature the most` provokes a theological response in me.
    and love the last four lines, so true. when two people can find `true love` in this big wide lonely, indifferent world you suddenly realize how precious love really is. cant imagine my life now without you in it. would be a colourless, meaningless place without the magic dust you have sprinkled over everything in my existance. Thankyou michelle for being such a bloody magnificent specimen of a woman, a wonderous human being that seems to be overflowing with empathy, compassion, grace and inner beauty. you are too good for this world babe. If God did a head count in heaven he would find one of his angels missing. love you sweetheart and always will xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Me&You (simply magical)

    God hunni, u r so lucky. It sounds like a great boyfriend and a great friend. All this luck. Could u pass some on to me? Jkin jkin. I loved it to pieces. It was sooooo beautiful. U r great and i'm ur second biggest fan. Of course ur first is craig. :) Luv always, Rose

  • 20 years ago

    by Rachel
