Comments : Scent Of Dead

  • 17 years ago

    by Lonesomeme

    This poem is sad...its true, but sad. I like how you use spurts or glimpses of memories and instances to show the type of regret. I dont know if you have ever left things unsaid between you and a loved one and then have them pass away.....but I have and it is not a happy feling. Great Job 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Darien

    That was a pretty thought provoking poem, and it was really deep. I thought it was ironic reading a poem about life from someone who's username is 'Contemplating Suicide'. It's an interesting poem, you shouldn't be thinking about death so much. Good poem though.

  • 17 years ago

    by CHOKE

    Lovely poem hun :D
    and thank you for loving my poem so much and letting it win the contest. i tried my hardest :)

    5/5 love.

  • 17 years ago

    by Vanessa

    I love this poem, your choice of waord is amazing. well pinned, great flow 5/5

  • 17 years ago


    Both my parents are doctors & I've spent my fair share of time in hopsital so this poem really made me thinhk.

    I loved it because it showed different veiws people have, different thoughts when walking through a place full of sickness.

    Again the flow was choppy but I loved this poem because of its content. It was a great idea and I really enjoyed reading it.

    The structure of your writing could improve your poems greatly, the ideas are really good.


  • 17 years ago

    by Startle Me

    Shouldn't this be
    A scent of dead surrounds you
    A scent of death surrounds you?
    I don't think it has that much
    Flow on it.
    I understand your meaning.
    Your rhymings are great.
    But a poem needs to flow a bit more.
    Check on some of your spellings.
    I think you spelled
    Realized wrong.