Comments : Wrestling

  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    I liked it! It had a certain bouncy rhythm to it which I liked very much

  • 17 years ago

    by Startle Me

    It was okay.
    It wasn't great
    It wasn't bad.
    Just okay.
    Average, I guess.
    Nothing caught my eye.
    If you're going to use because
    It would look a lot better if you spelt it right.

  • 17 years ago

    by Startle Me

    Like I said.
    Your poems seem forced.
    Maybe you can work on that or something.
    Sorry. I hope you don't take that personally.
    But you're very difinitive.
    You explained a lot.
    Not many people could do that.

  • 17 years ago

    by Molly

    Good job remeber when u made that kid cry? lol he was so hilarious! ;)

  • 17 years ago

    by Moose

    Im also a wrestler at my school. I made it to Regionals this year and barely missed going to state as a Sophomore. But about the poem...

    There were so many times where the flow was disrupted in the poem, that it made it almost impossible to follow the abcb rhythme.
    For Example:

    Because I'm a girl
    Because "A girl cannot be a wrestler"
    I'll let their imaginations unfurl
    I'll let them think what they were

    In comparism to

    I offer to help him stand
    To help him to his feet
    The ref raises my hand
    It's the end of the meet

    You can see the complete difference in the flow of both these stanzas. Stanza #2 flows so perfectly together, where as, stanza #1 breaks up the rhythme and makes it difficult for the reader to constantly read the poem in one fluid motion. If you could make changes to parts of the poem to make it exactly like Stanza #2, i think this poem could be great.


  • 16 years ago

    by Robert

    That was really cut I was very entertained by the whole poem the story was well done it was a really good start to alot better work in the future. Great Job Plot121