Comments : I think about...

  • 17 years ago

    by finally just me

    This is a super good poem kelso! we should put the poem we wrote when we were kool on here i think i will lol

  • 17 years ago

    by finally just me

    Hey kelso here i am again and this poem reminds me of our relationship we have grown apart and we dont even talk i no its mainly my fault.... im really sorry if i havnt talked to you a hole lot i always used to tell people "hoes b4 bros" and im not even taking my own advice.... pretty pathedic if you ask me......... well i just wanted to let you know how sorry i am and how much i miss our relationship....... i want it back i miss you so much i do not want one person to ruin what we had because it was way to special.... im really sorry plz forgive me but back to the point i really like this poem! love you kelso