Comments : The Lady

  • 17 years ago

    by Louis

    The first stanza is okay, the pacing is wel balanced and charming without the need of "gadjets" like rhymes.
    IMO your poem starts losing its power as it reaches the middle of the second stanza; you seemed like you ran short of words, you had an idea in mind but you seemed unable to express it with few convincing words. You used the word chest too many times, I take it as a rule of thumb to try and not use the same words more than once, otherwise the work tends to become monotonous and it's hard on the ear. The third stanza is superflous, I would remove it since it feels like a repetition of the second one, leave a little to the imagination. I gave you a fair 3/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Batman

    Wow Love, thats intense. Who's this about. i hope its not Grace. And if you need to talk, you know im right here. I love you.

  • 16 years ago

    by Dead Is The New Alive

    Wow i could see that in the middle of air it kinda sounded like she was gonna rape you with your use of words was she?? very good poem
    _forever carly_