Comments : Cure For The Itch

  • 17 years ago

    by Lucifer

    Well im not a real love poem fan but this is beautifully written.
    i love the way this is put together so well
    keep it up

    Xx Lucifer xX

  • 17 years ago

    by BeautifulxMess

    Well done. Full of passion and detail.
    You could actually feel everything.
    Very powerful and well penned poem!
    God bless 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    This poem just didn't hit the spot for me. It didn't give me that feeling that I wanted it to go on forever. It made me want to stop in the middle of it and not continue on. I am sorry for negativity...

    I didn't really find any errors in this, but I suggest you take these precautions in order to prevent such outcomes in the future:

    *Use grammar at the end of the lines to make sure you tell the reader what to do during the quick transition from line to line... it does actually mean a lot

    *Read your poem and make sure that you change big words that mess with the flow with other words that may not be that show-offy but will keep the flow.

    *Just remember, the flow is the most important. If your poem has a flow, it can attract anyone to it, no matter the type.

    *I don't really know why It didn't strike me well, and all these other people seemed to have loved it. Maybe I just read it wrong... too fast or too slow. I don't know. I'm going to refrain from voting due to the fact that it would delete your 5.0 streak.

    Hope you don't hate me for being so harsh.
    ~Stephen White

  • 17 years ago

    by MyDevotion

    I really enjoyed the poem a lot! It had a strong message and definately protrayed it well! the start wasnt too strong and didnt have much of a flow, But I think towards the end you really picked it up and slid home with it!

    Ill give it a 5/5 =)

  • 17 years ago

    by xxSnow Angelxx

    Hey!'s a beautiful poem..Well written..but i gess the usage of big wrds hv slightly effectd the flow of the poem..or else it's greatly written...good job!...but i wud giv u a 4/5..but dnt wanna lower ur rating..Tk care

  • 17 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    Lol I found it funny how you described "it" as an itch, certainly different and original.
    It was...good. I liked the third stanza because it seemed to be the strongest, yet the simplest of the whole poem. Sometimes less says more.
    The line "As her prince conquers her feast" confused me, what on earth has a feast got to do with anything? Lol. If you meant to say something like he is curing her urges then say that, feast is a poor choice of wording and makes it seem like forced rhyme!
    I think in places (especially the first couple of stanzas) the diction gets a bit OTT. Sometimes different words are good, but other times they just hinder the portrayal of a good poem because of their complexity. I guess it falls back along the lines of William Greenway who said "images can communicate the unsayable, so show don’t tell."
    Erm, maybe you could consider using punctuation too?
    Hmm so it was an ok/good poem. I've read better but then again I've read much, much worse on this site too!!
    Keep writing.

  • 17 years ago

    by Robert

    This was done well I liked the images you created and the flow was good. I think the title was abit off but none the less an enjoyable read. Plot121