Comments : Calendar Bible

  • 16 years ago

    by Startle Me

    I don't know what to say.
    I have not read anything
    In poems-and-quotes
    That relates to a heavy topic such as this.
    The sarcastic nature you've adopted must be stopped; you may hate them, but she hates them more.
    Who hates what more?
    The boss?
    It was kind of confusing as well.
    It was mixed with many controversial things.
    Cocaine? Weight Obsession? Alcohol?
    But then when put it all together.
    It feels a bit to much.
    Kind of overwhelming.
    For me, orginality is everything.

  • 16 years ago

    by Prophecies In Kodak

    Ahaha. i heard the writer speak to me this poem.
    i can still remember how you spoke it, your tone. so i really do understand the flow, and i must say you turned the concept into something quite nice. the words are a bit choppy, yes. as well as the lines.
    but all together it came together a bit nicely.
    actually... a lot nicely.

  • 16 years ago


    Wow, I am pretty happy that I chose to read this one. :]

    "Slip out of that dress; it makes you look hideous like the frustration you hide every day,
    Cover the cocaine with lipstick to hide the tedious smile that helps you lie when you pray."

    ^^I cannot express just how much I loved those lines.

    "Crash bottles of champagne on yourself; this ship is far gone -- it's all ready sunk."

    ^^ 'all ready' should be 'already' .

    Other than that, flawless lol. Adding it to my favorites.


  • 16 years ago

    by Synh

    "Crash bottles of champagne on yourself; this ship is far gone -- it's all ready sunk."

    Wow. Thank you for having me read this. This was an excellent piece of work.

    The flow wasn't off but it wasn't exactly all there either. Also, some parts sounded a little forced.

    I didn't really get some of it but that's because I know next to nothing about drugs and alcohol but whatever. I loved this poem. 5/5...again...