Comments : Time

  • 12 years ago

    by Prasad Baadkar

    First impression z d last impression... dat was d lighter side of it...

    coming back to d poem... it doesn't look lyk ur first write...
    keep up d gud work.. u r talented... d first one z so nyc... though d topic itz a sad part of lyf n even if we don't wanna do it.... we have no option but to mingle n move on wid tym n circumstance...

  • 12 years ago

    by yogi73

    Hi Ingrid,

    Loved this one as well. You are a talent! I think this nicely touches a common human emotion, albeit a sad one, but those make us stronger as well, says the poem! really enjoy this..thanks for posting.

    I had to go old school...and see what you were writing way back in the 'olden times' as my 6 yr. old calls it.

  • 11 years ago

    by Darren

    I love the simplicity of this,
    I also love how you come to the conclusion that you could indeed carry on, you found strength in yourself to do so.

    The use of the world spinning while you paused was a great analogy. It shows that you were so absorbed in this break up that you withdrew from life slightly you became distant from others.

    luckily the poem finishes on a high with the strength you gained.

    great write.