Comments : Soul mates

  • 16 years ago

    by David

    Ah the love and affection thru out this sweet poem was amazing!

    the lines were basic yet the words have a real and true meaning.

    5/5 David

  • 16 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    This a beautiful poem out here...i liked the flow of it and the words...
    keep writting sis

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    What a lovely piece, Ingrid.
    The first stanza sets the tone of the poem - this was never going to be a miserable piece! "We are soul mates, you and I......" What a lovely and warm way to start a poem.

    The next little stanza mixes passion and a need for a companion's comfort excellently, and now, as a reader, I am completely caught up in the love that is inherent in this piece and am now convinced it is a warm and inspirational poem. Some poems start one way, then sneak up on you and turn it all on its head!

    "Love me forever....." The next two lines a pleading to be loved forever by this person that you obviously worship and couldn't bear to be without. The idea of losing a soul mate is unthinkable and that's what I think of when reading these lines - I know I couldn't bear it.

    And then, the last stanza, the final, powerful passionate plea - almost desperate - "still need me and leave me never" - a baring of your soul and a complete acknowledgement of your love. Laying your cards on the table and showing your heart to someone like this could only be done with a soul mate.

    A lovely, passionate little piece, Ingrid.
    Take care,