Comments : Entering the Circus

  • 16 years ago

    by Lost & Delirious

    I think you're poem did a good job describing the influence of that person in everyone's life, and how it was having that person around and how it is now that he/she is gone.

    The only thing I didn't quite like about this poem was the word clown, I'm guessing it was important for the whole meaning of "circus". It just gave the wrong image, since the class clown is kind of the stupid one. But that's just me. LOL.

    Anyways, I liked your poem. It's well written, and the circus idea was good. My favorite lines were these:

    That infectious chuckle, it was a drug;
    People were so eager for more of it.

    I like how you said it was drug, it really made me get the picture. =)

    Good job! 5/5

    Keep writing.


  • 16 years ago

    by Debbie

    My class certainly could correlate with this piece, since an accident actually happened to one of our class clowns. It was a huge catastrophe, and everyone cried in despair with hearts made hollow. Thus reading this piece made me connect back to the said occasion. The transition of its pitch from joyous to gloomy was well-thought-out and captivating. Very poignant to say the least. It never failed to capture my heart. All the best and take care.
