Comments : Don't Hide

  • 16 years ago

    by Andrew Morton

    I enjoy the overall concept, because as much as we can run..we can never really hide..

    "You just want to be free.
    and maybe climb a tree"

    I dont like the "climb a tree" line, it just seemed like it was forced in there for the rhyme...when you're using a strict rhyming scheme, be sure to watch for thing to try, is to write the poem out as a free verse to get the message in, then play with the words a bit until everything fits in.

  • 16 years ago

    by Debbie

    "and forget [the] need to hide."
    `It seemed more grammatically correct, and flowed better.

    An inspirational piece, nevertheless. (I supposed it should be in the life/society section.) It sincerely enriched my heart with the warmth of Hope, Light, Life, and Love. :] My real pleasure to read. Thanks for sharing. 5.0

    Best wishes,