Comments : Re-Done

  • 16 years ago

    by kia

    Dont know if this is true. If it is hold on. This is basically my story 9 months ago. I broke up with my bf. And i was absolutely head over heels tragically in love with him. We broke up for 6 months and when i'd given up and was ready to end it. he came back into my life and we got back together. At the start we went through hell with sour grapes over last time but now we're both crazily in love with each other and i appreciate him so much more because i no what life's like without him. So hang tight. I wouldn't have given up our past for the world. Our loves stronger and i feel like we've already past the hard bit. Take care and hold tight. Kia xoxo

  • 16 years ago

    by Shaylee Rose

    Thanks. It is true. Lol. I guess its all i can do. Just sit tight. What happens Happens I guess.

    thanks again. xox shaylee.