Comments : Why did you deny me?

  • 16 years ago

    by MaSkEdSoUl

    Wow this was so sad. Amazingly written. A lot of emotion in this and the flow was excellent. I can already tell by this poem that you have talent. Excellent piece you have here. Well done, keep it up!!

  • 16 years ago

    by Dian PH

    Interesting one!!!

  • 16 years ago


    I don't know what to say Mack, this poem has got an important msg indeed, especially to iresponsible fathers who deny their biological children. Mack, this is the same applied to me, u know, my real dad has never done me anything since I was born. I was raised by my mom even today she is the one who is responsible for what ever I need. I am in my Final year here at university, but my real dad does not care about me and he does not even care to send me just R20/R30 for my pocket. And believe what, I still using his surname. This poem has indeed made me recall this mess that my real dad is doing. Great job Mack! 5/5.


  • 16 years ago

    by Khanyisile Cele

    This poem is really sad and touching but you've also shown that you have talent cause you were able to express what you feel and your emotions in a way that the person who is reading the poem feels with you.