Comments : How

  • 16 years ago

    by Miu

    Awww Beautiful! Such a stong imagery! I love how you take a scene from your own life and mix it with your feeling and make it such a beautiful piece. And also the sad emotion is captured very well.
    Keep it up! Enjoyed reading this!

  • 16 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I loved this, this is one of my favourites by you.

    The imagery you created in this piece was breathtaking, it painted very vivid pictures in my mind, while the sadness and despair was captured beautifully by the written words.


  • 15 years ago

    by Cyber Saiyan

    I sit here
    staring at the Eiffel tower
    You should be coming soon
    You better hurry, its starting to shower

    This is a decent opening stanza. The thrid line was a little off-key though. I thought it was a weak line that didnt add much meaning to the poem. The next line is kind of the same thing. This line is a very forced rhyme.

    As the rain falls down
    I think of what we used to be
    I think of all the fights we've been in
    But you never could see

    Another decent stanza. The last line ended pretty quick though. What was it that he could not see? You may want to expand on this line some.

    That piece by piece
    you were breaking my heart
    That our past was rough
    But it was good at the start

    ** OK, now I see what he couldnt see, but this should be expressed in the previous stanza. Seperating this into two stanzas really broke the flow. Lines three and four seem to contradict each other too. Even the start was in the past, so it cant be good and bad at the same time.

    Still in frount of the Eiffel tower
    hoping that you will come now
    I have some questions for you
    But my first one is "how?"

    ** A small typo in the first line.

    How could you do that?
    Just leave me out of the blue?
    I dont understand it.
    I thought I knew you

    ** Good stanza.

    I'm sitting here again
    waiting for you to arrive
    to come sweep me off my feet
    and hopefully keep my alive

    ** I think the redundancy of the I AM WAITING FOR YOU TO ARRIVE is starting to pull the imagery down some. Too much redundancy really hurts the poem. Another small typo in the last line (my should be me). I thought this line would sound better like this: AND MAKE ME FEET ALIVE.

    I'm looking around
    But your no where in sight
    I start to walk away
    But then i think, Its not right.

    ** Again, the rhyme here is very forced.

    I finally see you walk my way
    Through all the rain
    I can make out your face
    In my heart i feel this sudden pain.

    You just stare at me
    and you start to speak
    "Lets go somewhere and talk"
    So a shelter we seek

    ** This is a good stanza.

    We sit down at a table
    I decide to speak now
    I think of my list of questions
    and sigh and just say "how?"

    *** Overall, the poem is okay. Its not great, but its not bad. The rhymes are forced in a lot of places and other rhymes are somewhat weak. Using rhymes like NOW / HOW; RAIN / PAIN; BE / SEE dont really add much to the poem. If you use less common words, it add so much more to the lines. Try using for some help with the rhyming words.

    *** I read the poem through several times, and it seemed more like a story that had a few rhymes than a poem. Try using words with power; words that are not very common; words that add to the imagery. This will help the poem progress from OK to Good.