Comments : A fairytale ?!

  • 15 years ago

    by Rachel

    Since I'm really into technical stuff, I'll start with that first. And don't let anything I say offend you, I'm just a nerd, and these aren't really suggestions, just comments. :D

    First off, "making place for the moon to lit our gloomy sky." Do you happen to mean 'light,' here, or is that just me? Sorry if I have misunderstood. :)

    Secondly, the french word 'amour' is masculin in the singular form and feminin in the plural form. So you can have 'petites amour' birds or 'petit amour' birds.

    "Who lain in hearts..." Is this a mistype? Should it be 'laid?' If not, please explain it to me. And I'm not being cheeky, I am genuine, promise.

    "prince and princess lives;" grammatically, this should be 'live.'

    "enchanted almost true vision" hyphen between 'almost' and 'true?' Or have you conciously chosen to discard the hyphen as a form of punctuation?

    "Or is all that fills our minds is the fear and cries" second 'is' is slightly redundant, unless it is intended for poetic licence.

    I hope that you don't hate me and are still reading this. :S

    I like the disregard of punctuation, other than to question/exclaim, and though the grammatic in me wants to stick in some commas, as long as you know where to pause, it flows beautifully.

    "It all has to do with faith and magic." This is my favorite line by far, because I think that it summarizes the whole poem, to tell you the truth. It is a connecting factor that links together shattered beauty, and I love it. The truth behind those lines is very controversial in that our modern society "is nothing but lies", and I applaud you for just coming out and saying it.

    Your questions are deep, and I think that they are well-placed, because it causes the poem to gain momentum as it progresses, before causing the reader to plummet off the face of a cliff at the very end.

    I hope that my review is worth something.