Poems by Ashleigh

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  • I look up
    you look down...

  • Razorblade to the wrist.
    No vein was ever missed...

  • Rejection
    Does it happen because you aren't the picture of...

  • Smiles,heartache,screaming
    these all have meaning...

  • Rumors are like tumors on the brain
    Poisoning your every thought...

  • I told you not to tell
    Then you go behind my back...

  • You would never say it to my face
    But secretly I knew your answer would displace my...

  • Sin

    You cant have it all
    why would you want it...

  • Lately, Thoughts have surrounded me
    I'm too blind to see if someone actually cares...

  • Excuse after excuse
    you were never true...

  • Was it you?
    Was it me...

  • Sitting under that maple tree
    When it was just you and me...