Quotes by Valerie

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  • You can tell its true love when she's known him before he came out of the dirt in the hair, mudd on his hands, and girls have cootie's stage, THATS when you know, she loves him for him....

    18 years ago
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  • She closed her eyes and wished "i wish that he will always be so happy, and feel so loved, even if i'm not still with him that is truly all i want" she blew out her candles, opened her eyes, saw him next to her...smiling, and oh so happy

    18 years ago
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  • Im sick of thinking it will happen tomorrow when tomorrow doesn't even exist

    18 years ago
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  • I'm the one who calls late at night just to hear your voice on your answering machine, after a ruff day. So maybe that night I can sleep, like i used to sleep when we used to talk for hours...

    18 years ago
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  • A tear fell down her cheek...his heart broke, as he sat across the room, being the invisible one

    18 years ago
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  • They walked down the hall holding another persons hand, as they passed they held on tighter, closed their eyes and turned their head as if it didn't hurt...

    18 years ago
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  • If only he knew how much power he had over her, he could tell her to die a thousand times, and she would attempt it, as long as it made him S.M.I.L.E

    18 years ago
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  • I'm lifting you up, i'm letting you down, i've been here too long, i'm not giving up.

    18 years ago
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  • I looked right past you as you watched me when i started to look more closely you were always there, now that i feel like i've lost everything and everyone has left, your still there watching me

    18 years ago
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  • He sat there watching her laugh and joke with her friends there eyes met and there hearts fell, a year later same situation, but as there hearts fall they break into pieces, cuz they never took that beautiful chance.

    18 years ago
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