Quotes by Steffi

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  • As she looks in the mirror,
    she sheds a tear.
    Because she still sees the lies
    That were never there.
    "your ugly, your fat"
    Those scars still remain,
    Late at night she wonders,
    If things are ever going to change.

    18 years ago
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  • Somewhere deep inside me,
    theres an hole in my armor,
    that lets the real me show.
    I tried to keep it hidden,
    so you would never know.
    How my world has fallen apart,
    since you let us go.

    18 years ago
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  • Your the one I would lie for,
    the one I would die for.
    But Im the one that you cant see,
    The girl whos names a mystery.
    I guess no matter how many stars
    we wish on,
    How many nights we cry for
    some wishes are better left

    18 years ago
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  • People are always asking me,
    'what do you see in him?'
    I just smile and shrug..cuz if the world knew,
    they'd all love you too

    18 years ago
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  • It doesnt matter if your the outcast,
    wether or not you fit in.
    Doesnt matter if your perfect..
    Im not asking you to be.
    The only thing I want from you,
    is for you to truely love me.

    18 years ago
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  • They could take me on a trip around the world,
    Anywhere I'd wanna be..
    And still I'd only want you next to me.
    They could buy me roses, diamonds or
    And the only thing I'd ever want,
    Would to be the only girl you'd want to hold.

    18 years ago
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  • I didnt mind if I wasnt your everything,
    If I wasnt your girl.
    I was just fine with meaning something to you....
    Wow, Im good at lying.

    18 years ago
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  • If you love someone, tell them today..because they might leave you tomorrow

    18 years ago
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  • If I told you I loved you,
    What would you do?
    Would you leave right away,
    Would you stay awhile,
    Or always stay?

    18 years ago
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  • I'd rather be everything you need, then everything you want..because once you have something you want you dont need it anymore, but when you have something you need you'd die to keep it with you.

    18 years ago
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