Quotes by kacy

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  • If you give me a door i'll go through it
    if you give me a window i'll open it
    if you give me a pet I'll take care of it
    if you give me a boyfriend I forget him
    if you give me a a guy I have no chance with I will drool all over him

    18 years ago
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  • Would you wait for a dog to finish his buisness if you new he was just going to screw you over when he was done
    then why do we waits for guys

    18 years ago
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  • To dream of love is like dreaming of a million dollars it is never going to happen

    18 years ago
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  • Somedays I don't want to see your face
    Somedays your the only face I want to see
    someday you are my only one
    But other days I know there will always be that other one

    18 years ago
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  • You put my herat back together many many times
    but now that you broke it again who will i find to help me pick up the pieces

    18 years ago
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  • Love is when you wake up each morning think about him
    love is when you go to sleep each night dreaming of him
    love is when you fix your hair and make up just right just incase you see him walking down the street

    18 years ago
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  • Going to Mars impossible
    Surviving for 3 weeks without food
    Before living without him was impossible
    Now living with him is impossible

    18 years ago
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  • Every person you encounter should leave a little happier than before they got there.

    15 years ago
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