Quotes by destiny

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  • You\\\'d always be happy with what you are and don\\\'t like, so you can still keep what you admire as something of yours, instead of losing such opportunity and not having it, for being it....

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • How could we know if we don't know?

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • My "people" are the people in my lifetime and say hi to me.....

    18 years ago
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  • How can someone be "normal" if no one is the same?

    18 years ago
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  • Small messages can change the world so easily; too bad they're all so evil...

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • So close, yet so far away-in so many different ways...

    18 years ago
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  • If things were to be the opposite, they would have to be the same, because if they were NOT the same, then they'd just be different.....

    18 years ago
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