Poems by boo boo

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  • She sat with her head down the drain feeling sick...

  • With out you my whole world crashes
    I'm alone in my lonely life and without you...

  • I walk through the empty grave yard
    And stopped by your grave...

  • Spider, Spider on the wall
    Spider, spider please dont fall...

  • Angel fallen from the stars
    Wings torn halo gone...

  • Can you see beneath her eyes
    deep inside where she crys...

  • Cry your tears
    everything is going to be alright...

  • He handed her a bouquet of roses .
    11 real and one fake...

  • I was touched by an angel
    sent from above...

  • Take what you can get, and give what you can...
    when is enough ever enough...

  • A

    Now that I’ve introduced myself...