Poems by Ceci

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  • Life has many ways to tell you to go on
    it never tells you to quit...

  • You let me think
    That you were into me...

  • I see you from afar
    loving and cherishing you...

  • Luv (2)

    The night is beautiful
    with the one you love...

  • I can't wait to hold you
    And tell you...

  • The nights breeze hitting
    against the windows...

  • The feeling of infernal flames against my corpse
    Was the sensation I felt when I entered the...

  • U lied again,
    i trusted u to call me...

  • My heart feels like it's become a stone that has...
    Only to be touched by the fog and gentle rain of...

  • Into an abyss
    I have been casted...

  • A dark secret
    Being held and kept...

  • If i were not to see u,
    i were to die in pain...