Quotes by b r i d g e t

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  • All those who had been there for me
    didnt know what to do...
    that sweet tempred girl was gone
    now there was just you...

    from my poem i used to be your princess

    17 years ago
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  • Mascara down a cheek will tell
    a story that i know to well

    17 years ago
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  • A polaroid shot stamping a time
    when the world turned its back on me
    and screamed "she isnt mine"

    from my poem dead pan eyes and fake smiles

    17 years ago
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  • Shes on a mind f**cking merry go around

    17 years ago
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  • Do u see what i see...
    no i dont believe u would
    telling lies to a shatered mirror
    turning bad what was once good...
    because shes different
    shed break herself to make you smile
    but you just leaver her home alone
    listening to the phones dial...

    17 years ago
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  • Explain it to me
    this coldness
    these glassy lost and lonely eyes
    explain why i feel so suffocated
    why everything makes me cry...

    17 years ago
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  • Im safer now
    locked in myself
    since its ended
    you changed...
    so i locked the door
    i closed my eyes
    blare the music
    drown out the pain
    take the razor at my thigh again n again
    its breaking my heart

    17 years ago
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  • You are such a dirty
    contagious disease...
    u inject me at ease
    you cause these tears
    you made these fears

    17 years ago
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  • She smells like how she used to today...
    before things got so hard
    theres a gleam in her eyes
    n no scars on her arms
    theres no fakeness with her
    shes genuine n gorgeous
    radiant n stunning......
    but her cold corpe is lying in a morgue

    17 years ago
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  • Its a joke to u all the time
    im the gurl at the back of the line
    so make her hurt
    make those tears smear the mascara down her face
    make her want to be f**kin dead in this cold lonely place...
    make her feel alive

    17 years ago
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