Quotes by myshiningstar14

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  • Somtimes the ones that walk out your door and never come back, are the ones you love the most.

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • You never know how much that someone means to you, until that someone is all you have.


    17 years ago
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  • True love is like stainless steel,
    it gets dents in it, but if it
    breaks it was never true.

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • "I Love you," says it all.
    "I Love You," doesn't make up for it all.
    "I Love You," doesnt take away the pain.
    But, "I Love You," cures the pain.

    18 years ago
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  • "Dont do things for CHRIST, but because of CHRIST."

    18 years ago
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  • "Every guy is capable of cheating, it's his values that make the differance."

    18 years ago
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