Quotes by leah

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  • Real friends will always be around especially when you're down, but it will be much touching to have them to make a normal day, a memorable one, and a simple celebration, extravagant.

    14 years ago
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  • Trials is easier if you have someone to share it with, but sometimes there are things in life that is better to be faced alone, not because you choose to be alone, but because it will be much better for everybody around.

    14 years ago
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  • Not all things in life are worth the sacrifice, sometimes no matter how hard we hold on to something, the more things gets out of hand, so we have no other choice but to let go, soon we realize that it was the best thing to do.

    14 years ago
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  • It's not too bad to give yourself some reservations away from the world outside, it only gets bad when it becomes your way of living and it affects the way people see the real you and judge you for it.

    14 years ago
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