Poems by Micro Kouklitsa

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  • Today I felt like a part of me died..
    Me and my friends we just sat down and cried...

  • Lifeâ??s about a journey, and what we...
    And while we are all human, quite different paths...

  • When I appear at the scene of a fatal car crash,
    I never no what to expect...

  • Today's the day my dreams will die, there's...
    My tears are ice my heart is dust, as you and I...

  • Only washing machines are normal.
    If we were all meant to be "normal".. we...

  • The day is sad and tears form rain,
    As thousands mourn a man, who didnt die in vain...

  • If you don't like the way I walk..
    Or how I brush my hair...

  • In the evening we will share,
    All the love thats in the air...

  • I left without saying good-bye to you..
    But my thoughts I could not handle so I flew...

  • The eyes of an angel..
    The warmth of the sun...

  • You take my love for granted..
    And one day you shall see...

  • Death will come to take your soul..
    What you have done will take it’s...