Quotes by Mrs Bloom x3

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  • Tell me the truth. What do you do when you want to completely start over without regreting anything ?

    16 years ago
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  • People say im like a big teddy bear...
    Hug me ?

    16 years ago
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  • The world is like one big maze!! lost and confused because ur lost in wat ur confused about witch is life!!!!!

    17 years ago
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  • Love is compared to everything besides People and it bothers me not to know why is it because Love isnt what you think it is or because its just a feeling that you will never stop feeling and somthing you can\'t explain and compare to anything

    17 years ago
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  • Adults say that kids are just kids but thats not what i belive and why do adults say things like we dont know the meaning of love well neither do they because no one does? If we don't know what love is then why do we say we love them every day!

    17 years ago
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  • I think I love him
    but he hasnt found
    me yet!!!


    17 years ago
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