Quotes by cassanova

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  • At any cost,
    i want your attraction,
    all your attention,
    with no distraction,

    i fiend for your touch,
    and your embrace,
    your a special one,
    which cant be replaced

    18 years ago
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  • Read my poems and see if u can relate leave a comment they really make ya feel betta plus i can read urs

    18 years ago
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  • By Cassanova

    He moved to a new town,
    felt like he was lost,
    he always wore a frown,
    till he seen the angel across,

    18 years ago
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  • one day he met her,
    it was like a sign,
    she was so pretty just,
    endless like time,

    together they fell,
    in deep love real fast,
    vowed to love eachother,
    that theyd always las

    18 years ago
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  • Then it got stronger,
    deeper than thought,
    hed love her forever,
    felt life was to short,

    then something went wrong,
    and they spent less time,
    the boy started to wonder,
    is she even still mine,

    18 years ago
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  • Till one day she called,
    and heres what she said,
    "id rather be alone,
    then with u instead,

    from that day on,
    inside more he died,
    he couldnt let go,
    no matter how hard he tried,

    18 years ago
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  • Two and a half years have past,
    in life he feels he has no part,
    twenty-one days later,
    he died from a brokenheart

    heres to all u lovers,
    who dont picture your selfs apart,
    make sure you cherish every moment,
    right from the very start....

    18 years ago
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  • I dont like you for your looks,
    i like you for your qualities,
    your brains and your kindness,
    and your sparky personality...
    ...she just happens to be beautiful

    18 years ago
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  • My heart does a stutter,
    a beat is what it skips,
    with every word you utter,
    my stomach goes in flips,

    18 years ago
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  • Why do people fall in love?,
    just to get hurt,
    try to make it happen,
    but it rarely works..

    18 years ago
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