Quotes by kels

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  • So slit my throat && watch me bleed__
    release me of this pain(u denying of my needs)
    watch my blood turn to a river
    watch my heart turn to rUsT
    && before you know our love to [dust]

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • So slit my throat && watch me bleed__
    release me of this pain(u denying of my needs)
    watch my blood turn to a river
    watch my heart turn to rUsT
    && before you know our love to [dust]

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • ♥ YoU tOLd Me YoU cArEd ...YoU mAdE mE FaLl FoR yOu...ThE tRuTh Is yOu DiDnT...YoU mAdE mE cRy && NoW iLl NeVeR gEt OvEr YoU ♥

    17 years ago
    0 0