Poems by Kathrynn

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  • If You can make the sunshine,
    If You produce the rain...

  • Things have gotten way out of control
    kinda ironic, since that's all i really wanted...

  • I sit alone and clench my fist
    i hold the blade against my wrist...

  • It used to be
    that i wanted to hurt...

  • ** this poem is about a personal experience.. it...
    **please rate and comment, your input would be...

  • I know that I can do this
    God will pull me through...

  • Too busy wanting, I forget what I need
    Too busy cutting, I’ve forgotten to bleed...

  • I'm not strong enough for this
    It's simply, just too hard...

  • As they walk down the beach, on a warm summer's...
    not a word comes from her mouth...

  • Burning flesh, searing pain
    i want to do it all again...

  • She'll always be too young
    From my point of view...

  • I watch the world through tear-filled eyes
    and wonder up at stormy skies...