Poems by Jeannette Lopez

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  • I don't know why I waited
    I knew you wouldn't show...

  • Te divirtiste? Cuando vas a terminar?
    Con este juego que usas para detruir mi corazon...

  • I felt like I've been locked up for centuries
    In my own steel locked heart...

  • Today you sent me a letter
    Asking me to forgive you...

  • I stand up over the sink with my sight on the wall
    I cannot blink or speak as I let these tears fall...

  • *Getting to know you then
    And falling in love with you...

  • When you hear in the news that another war has...
    That many still starve to death or that a man...

  • It's still hard ot believe that now I must walk...
    Everything I thought I held close have turned to...

  • I've been waiting for so long
    For a miracle to come find me...

  • I just got out of class and saw you standing there
    I tried to look away but all I could do was stare...

  • We're both getting a second chance to be together...
    I realized that it was all their lies and jealousy...

  • We've only had one argument
    In the whole year we've been together...