Poems by never almost had you

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  • I remember laughing a laugh that I now hold inside...

  • Cry

    I cry a tear asI sit here and
    Watch my heart slip away...

  • I want you but I can't have you
    I need you but I don't know how to tell you...

  • Do you dream of me because I dream of you
    I dream of you kissing me when it was just us two...

  • You were My heart
    You were My soul...

  • You and I are meant to be like honey
    Is meant for the bees...

  • Sleep* (1)

    As I sit here and watch you sleep
    I feel as if it was god's choice for us to meet...

  • You * (1)

    You are my sun . you are my moon I don'tknow what...

  • You wanted me just like I wanted you but were mad...

  • I can not say how I feel for you because I\'ve...
    feelings before...

  • Love is good love is great when I look at you my...