Quotes by Katie

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  • Him: Do you believe in the America Dream?
    Her: No.
    Him: Do you believe in heaven or hell? Her: No.
    Him:Do you believe in love?
    Her: No.
    Her: Do you believe that I am about to smother you with a blanket?
    Him: Yes.

    18 years ago
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  • I had a dream that you finally held me in your arms, the next day You came up to me. Those same arms broke my heart.

    18 years ago
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  • When I told you about friendship you laughed, and told me sisters aren't friends.

    18 years ago
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  • The galaxy is falling, Piece by part.
    Couldn't you tell when you lost the vast place once called a heart.
    Or was that from the start.

    18 years ago
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  • When I told you I loved you, I ment it. When I told you to die, I ment it.
    When I pulled out the 45 from my vest and told you to run, I ment it.
    When I kissed your corpse good bye, I didn't relize what happend.

    18 years ago
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