Poems by ~Youhavenoidea~

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  • Stop (2)

    Stop screaming she said
    Stop all this pain...

  • How... (2)

    Why does my world have to be falling apart again...

  • Saying I love you is something you should only say...

  • I want to join my best friends now I want to leave...

  • Why (1)

    Why do I miss you You never missed me Why do I cry...
    Why do I want you when you don't want me. Why do I...

  • It will only get worse and worse you know that but...

  • Would you BLEED for me if I asked you to? Would...
    I only ask these questions because I want to know...

  • Don't do it she screams
    Don't look in the mirror...

  • My baby
    My star...

  • All those tears I shed for you
    All those tears can burn in hell...

  • I want you to choke upon all those lies you
    said to me...

  • Why did you have to leave me why did you have to...