Poems by Navy SweetHeart

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  • In debt i am.
    i am in debt to her...

  • Why

    As i sit hear all alone i wonder why... why i am...

  • As you dig my grave and lie me down to sleep don't...

  • You think it's a joke to sit and smoke dope.
    you think it's so cool when you miss out on...

  • As the blade slide across my skin and the pain...
    i am in a world all my own...

  • As I lie in bed tonight and watch the tears fall...

  • When i look into your eyes i can't help but smile.
    when i see you stareing back at me i can't help...

  • A key to my heart only you can have
    take that key and unlock my heart...

  • You look into my eyes and warm my heart.
    in your arms safe from everything...

  • Depression has been a good friend for so long.
    it seems just last year we were the best of...

  • The tears are falling with no end in sight.
    the pain is unbareable but i can't release it...

  • I sit all alone only me and the blade,
    wondering if with one slice it will end all...