Poems by qtpy

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  • If I could only tell you
    How much you really mean to me...

  • This has to be the hardest poem
    That I've ever had to try and write...

  • Today is a brand new day
    The day i finally look your way...

  • Do you want me or don't you?
    Do you want to be with me or not...

  • O what u wanna throw bows now
    I\'m not too sure ur worth my time nehow...

  • When I'm bored I like to talk shit
    Especially because most people can't handle it...

  • My heart is like a door
    That's been slammed shut too many times...

  • Me and you go way back
    That one day you kissed me made me think I was...

  • When someone writes you a poem
    It usually is about their love for you...

  • I'm still waiting for those three words
    Even though you think I'm not waiting...

  • |Why| (1)

    Why did you make things so hard
    When they were supposed to be so simple...

  • If I wait for you
    You may change your mind...