Poems by :( sydney ):

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  • What's wrong with her?
    I ask you as she walks out crying...

  • You took my only chance.
    I couldn't have him because you were still in his...

  • Why is it you are always sad?
    You always seem upset about something...

  • My heart,
    like an infant child...

  • You are the best friend that I could hope for.
    We have had some problems...

  • We have known each other for five years now.
    You chose to be my friend when no one else would...

  • You look at me like I'm some sort of alien.
    You act like you are so perfect...

  • You mean so much to me,
    you have no idea...

  • When you're down,
    or when your luck runs out...

  • You hurt me so many times,
    why did I think I could trust you again...