Quotes by Hanna

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  • Me and You are Friends
    You Smile, I Smile
    You Hurt, I Hurt
    You Cry, I Cry
    You jump off a bridge..
    I*m going to miss your emails

    18 years ago
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  • Why do guys see us as their play toy. They misuse us till we*re torn and shattered, and then once they*ve had their fun, they dump us off at some street corner.

    18 years ago
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  • Love me for me..... is that so hard to ask?

    18 years ago
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  • Only time can heal a wounded heart, and as time went by here*s what i figured out. Your opinion of me were wrong... I was not that bad. My opinions of you were wrong too..... you were not that great..

    18 years ago
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  • You asked me if i was alright, how i*d been doin since you broke my heart. And as much as i wanted to say that i was fine, i couldn*t. All i said was, "It*s not that bad... it only hurts when i breath"

    18 years ago
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  • As I look back now on everything that happened,on how much u lied,deceived,n hurt me,I wanted 2say1thing2u.. thanks.Everything u did2me made me who I am right now,n it made me stronger.If it werent4u I wudnt b where i am today..so4that,I want2thank u

    18 years ago
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  • I had worked hard for wat we had... but u trashed it. I thot I had made a masterpiece wen it was rly a bomb rdy to explode. Y is it that wenever I do somethin worth while... u want to destroy it?

    18 years ago
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  • Why is it that the one ting we want more than anything else is just out of reach.. yet the one thing we cud care less about ends up being the one thing we love the most?

    18 years ago
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  • U don*t seem to understand... it*s not about me and u... it*s about US

    18 years ago
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  • I have done everything I cud to make this work. I have given u everything, including my heart….. now it*s ur turn, cuz I have nothing left to give.

    18 years ago
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