Poems by nouredine

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  • I do not know where my days are rushing me
    To my glory or to misery...

  • I miss you tonight
    I badly want you...

  • Souri mon enfant, je veux quitter ce monde sur...

  • Warm and loving so was your first look
    Tender and yearning so was your first touch...

  • Let me wend my way
    Why should I stay...

  • You think when you leave me
    You will break my heartâ€&brvbar...

  • I can suffer the pain
    I can walk in rain...

  • Out of boredom, one forsakes his friends
    Forgets many faces and many places...

  • Do you still think of me?
    Do you still say my name...

  • I wish i could leave my cage
    I wish I could draw on my dark page...

  • Death is the relief when there’s no relief...

  • I close my eyes, I listen to you
    your voice is all what I have in this big world...