Quotes by Brandi

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  • && the only reason your heart beats so fast when youre around him
    Is because its warning you that youre falling in love with him
    And it doesnt want you to get hurt.


    16 years ago
    0 0
  • && I dont think my heart has ever beaten this fast...
    to the point where I cant breathe
    just because a boy walked past


    16 years ago
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  • This isnt a typical teenage tragedy.
    Normally, the girl loves the boy but is trying to forget him
    This time, she loves the boy but wont admit it, not to him, not to anyone, not even to herself.


    16 years ago
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  • Friend: Do you love her?
    guy: Yes.
    friend: how do you know you love her?
    guy: just the feeling i have when im around her and just every little thing she does. plus all the love songs started making sense.

    Actual Convo

    16 years ago
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  • Girl: Would you give your life for it?
    Boy: No.
    Girl: Why not?
    Boy: I wouldn't give you up for anything.

    16 years ago
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  • I could have sworn I was over him...
    But for some odd reason when he walked by like he never loved me.
    Like we never knew each other.
    Pretty much like we never even gave each other a second glance.
    It hurt...
    Like... a lot.</3


    16 years ago
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  • Im not asking you to love me
    Im not even asking you to not like other girls.
    All I want is for you to never lie.
    Like he did.

    16 years ago
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  • Love is when you stay up until 2 in the morning on a school night,
    waiting for him to wake up from his nap and sign back on
    Just so you can say, I love you and good night.


    16 years ago
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  • My friend's boyfriend dumped her today, and while I was comforting her as she cried, She whispered "I wish I didnt have to feel pain."
    I smiled and shook my head, "If we didnt feel pain, we couldn't feel love."


    16 years ago
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  • He was my first true love
    My first serious relationship
    We gave the relationship everything but somehow not enough
    I was with him for a year when we promised forever
    And you're asking if I'm over him...?


    16 years ago
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