Quotes by Kimmie

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  • They Say Nothing Lasts Forever...
    Well, I Think We're Going To Last A Long Time... </3

    17 years ago
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  • Every night I wonder why...
    Why I did what I did
    Why I believed things that were never true
    Why I thought we had something
    Why this ended the way that it did
    But most of all
    Why I miss you...

    17 years ago
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  • WHY have YOU done THIS to ME?
    what HAVE i DONE to DESERVE such A thing?

    YOU know YOU mean EVERYTHING to ME and MORE...
    so WHY cant YOU just LET it GO?

    you're KILLING me INSIDE.
    and YOU will NEVER know.

    16 years ago
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  • Fate will bring us together...

    16 years ago
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  • Sometimes its best not to just listen to the words you hear, but the words that are left unspoken...

    16 years ago
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  • Maybe it's not you that i dont want to lose...

    maybe its just the feeling...


    16 years ago
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  • I don't care what anyone says anymore. You're my best friend. You've been there when no one else was. I know I made a million mistakes and I know how things are with us. But somehow every time you're gone... I miss you like hell.

    I'm sorry...

    15 years ago
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