Quotes by Liz

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  • Even the hardest hearts weaken at the sound of the right words.

    11 years ago
    6 0
  • Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.

    Fulton Oursler

    14 years ago
    5 0
  • Some memories are etched into our souls with smoldering, rugged daggers.
    and there are days when the scars bleed out; we become weak.
    forever . . unwillingly remembering.

    © Liz M.

    14 years ago
    2 0
  • Anger blinds you for a moment; and in that one single moment of darkness and unreason, you will have done something that you will spend your whole life regretting.

    © Liz M.

    14 years ago
    1 0
  • No one cares about the truth anymore.
    its all about convenience.

    14 years ago
    1 0
  • I'm trying to reach the surface, but my eyes burn; i can't see.
    if i could only drown my thoughts . . the way they drown me.

    © Liz M

    15 years ago
    1 0
  • I'm not afraid to face my past.

    Just afraid that when I do;
    the road would lead me back to you.

    © Liz

    16 years ago
    2 0
  • I'm not a dreamer, nor a fighter.
    I'm just another hopeless writer...

    © Liz

    18 years ago
    2 0