Poems by ~Panthora~Relmera~

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  • There once was a cat named Pat
    Who enjoyed spending time chasing rats...

  • If you really think about it, death can't be all...
    I mean yeah you leave a few loved ones behind but...

  • Through these eyes I see the world as cruel and...
    And one day, if you don\'t right now, you\'ll see...

  • You've helped me through the darkest times in love...
    And yet I still manage to wish my life was ended...

  • I saw you from across the room but could not let...
    The feelings I felt toward you, it wasn't meant to...

  • Some people think that love is just a fairy tale...
    I know that this is not true. How you may ask...

  • I lay in bed at night, wishing you were here with...
    I long for the touch of your arms around me and...