Quotes by nering

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  • I sit by the beach...and think about what life does teach. I guess i was taught...when we fought! I am sorry you are gone...but i will still long....

    16 years ago
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  • A year ago this day we met...we talked that whole night. That is when I figured we might. Weeks later we were together,had so much fun for months. You told me you loved me and then shortly after that it was over. That is all that I remember!

    16 years ago
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  • I couldnt believe i found you
    I couldnt believe i fell in love with you
    I couldnt believe you said i love you too

    Then one night you said goodbye
    My eyes filled then with a sigh
    I really didnt know why
    And to this day I still cry

    16 years ago
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  • Once upon a time there were two best friends,
    made was a promise to be until the end.
    One simple lie, one single cry is all it took,
    to make me close the book.

    *I really miss her, we arent as close as we use to be.*

    16 years ago
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  • Why do i cry for no particuar reason?
    why do i sigh all the time?
    why do i hide in my room?
    why do i feel lost?

    The answer is YOU!

    16 years ago
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  • My friends call you my mistake, so not to worry. My parents thank god i am over you. Since everyone is happy that your gone, I tell myself i am happy too, but then reality hits and I am alone and sad while they have someone who makes them happy.

    16 years ago
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  • You are out there with no idea.My heart is broken-No one else can come in.my door is shut. you are the one to cause it. i hate you--that is wat i tell myself jus so i dont have to face the facts that really i love you. You just have no idea...

    16 years ago
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  • They say-You dont kno how much you love someone until they are gone-well i wonder do you kno now? B-c believe me Im still waitin

    16 years ago
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  • The line "its me not you" is a line guys say so they dont sound bad but guys in reality it is a line that we as girls no is bull shit. it is a line really meaning im tired of you...moving on!

    16 years ago
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  • The line you used was "we can still be friends, its better this way." I said yeah we can I still love you, so i want you around. Well that line you used was a lie, we havent talked more than twice this whole year- but ived cried everyday!

    16 years ago
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