Quotes by Yours Truly xO

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  • Clean up your act.. Your storys gettin dusty. Wash your mouth out..your lies are gettin rusty.

    12 years ago
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  • Dont tell me things that you dont mean. because at the end of the day. when its all said and done. those lies mean everything to me.

    12 years ago
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  • Honestly i really do love you genuinely. its just we both have something we both want so badly, we so dangerously close to losing everything.

    12 years ago
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  • I want you to see the world through my eyes,
    then judge me,
    cause if you knew what it was like to be me.
    you wouldnt be saying a thing.

    12 years ago
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  • And when i wake up and your right beside me,
    its like a neverending happy feeling,
    then you wrap your arms around me
    "and tell me baby i love you"
    and that gives me a feeling, i thought i'd never feel

    12 years ago
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  • When the words are in my head,
    i have to get them out
    or else my body will start shaking uncontrollably
    because i'm a mess,
    when im bound

    12 years ago
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  • She's so good at keeping secrets,
    she should be able to keep herself
    shes so good at faking happiness
    she should be an actress.

    12 years ago
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  • You've become my inspiration
    you've inspired me to be everything i can.
    you've become my motivation
    to get me to my destination,
    you've become a part of me,
    ive officially delcared you to be
    everything i'll ever need.

    12 years ago
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  • She's more than just a pretty face,
    More than looks, more than grace
    She has a heart full of adoration
    For the dreams that lie deep down inside
    When you see her, there's more than what's meets the eye

    12 years ago
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  • The dreams are there but they're unclear. My body aches from stressing. My eyes ache from crying. You claim you love me, but I'm not quite sure...my heart wouldn't be aching if that were true.

    12 years ago
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