Quotes by Valerie

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  • Know that a single mistake can mingle to a break
    Therefore look and think before you blink
    Ignore those who are in your sight
    But fight for what you think is right
    -new upcoming poem

    16 years ago
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  • * I want you. I need you. I miss you. I friken love you like hell. Guess what? I don't have you. Not because I can't get you, but the truth is I'm torn between tending to believe you or not. *

    16 years ago
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  • Your simplistic, comforting words make me inspired
    For, your emotional, but enigmatic love is what's most desired

    -new poem

    16 years ago
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  • It felt so wrong at first, yet why did you still commit?
    These wistful memories entangled my thoughts never leaving me at ease.
    Believe it or not I still don't want you to leave

    16 years ago
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  • *Perfection isn't always a selection.
    No matter what happens go with the flow.
    For even those who are cheerful can end up being tearful. *

    16 years ago
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  • Boy: I love you and you're awesome.

    Girl: If I'm awesome than you're the awe of my some <3 :).

    16 years ago
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  • * Don't let love fool you, the way you fool yourself into it. Don't trust love because one day it might fool you back </3. *

    16 years ago
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  • Girl: It's not funny... I can't skate I'm going to slip and fall, and die.

    Boy:No, I'm just thinking about how you were going to fall. I wouldn't let you fall, unless you bring me down with you.

    16 years ago
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  • * When I think I don't need you, you're always there. Although, when I know I'm needing you, you're never there to be found </3 ... *

    16 years ago
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  • Girl: You're happy that I'm going to jump off a cliff.
    Boy: If you jump off, I'll be down there to catch you :).
    Girl: But you don't know which cliff.
    Guy: I'll go to all of them :).

    16 years ago
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