Poems by this is only the beggining

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  • I start to stumble
    Then i fall...

  • We've come so far to get here
    Yet we have so far to go...

  • As i sit here alone
    Thinking about the past...

  • Fallen and yet Still able to walk
    Shattered and yet still able to hold it together...

  • They say I'm stupid
    And I'll never do anything with my life...

  • Do you even realize
    What you've done to me...

  • Were you really there?
    Or did you just pretend...

  • There are handcuffs on my hands
    And shackles on my feet...

  • Why do I do this
    I know that it's wrong...

  • They tell me I'm a screw up
    And that I'll never be anyone...

  • How (1)

    How could this be happening
    She hears them as they walk by...

  • She wonders through the world
    Without even a care...