Quotes by Jared Love

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  • Pudding once saved a man from Cancer and a bus load of children from an accident. Now when you go home tonight you can rest happy knowing that I had pudding today.

    God Bless Pudding

    17 years ago
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  • Just because the sun isn't out and the stars are sleeping, doens't mean there is no light in this world. Its in your heart and if you flip the light switch your world will be a brighter place.

    17 years ago
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  • I didn't know I could laugh so hard until I met you, then I also learned that milk smells bad when you have to breath it for a while.

    17 years ago
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  • You know you are in love when you find that you are falling, walking into walls, not paying attetion in school and spilling food down your shirt more than normal.

    17 years ago
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  • You know your behind the times when you can't hear a cell phone call when its on silent anywhere in the room.

    -damn cell phones-

    16 years ago
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